Sunday, August 8, 2010

It's not all that bright day after all

Driving with Maps (-) around and testing with caching my coming vacation trip, I may say that my developer satisfaction is fading away. Somehow the color of navigation marker now blends with all the maps I try and it's even not safe to check location as it requires more than it should time to understand where marker is. Agrrr. Need another color for this one. Or, may be, some animation. 
Another annoying news is the slowness of the queuing algorithm. Especially with google maps, when server is very fast, it downloads almost with the same speed as queuing. So counter just jumps back and forth. Not good. 
One other thing I now need is a separate queue for each map source. I've been riding the train and looking around on the map. Some tiles where missing so queue picked them up and I thought I'll just cache them when I get to wifi spot. And than I needed to check something on OSM map. And my queue is gone. Surely, c'os switching is clearing the queue. That's it. Separate queue for each map source.
There are also some sqlite crashes reported that shouldn't happen. Would have to look at stabilization of this new approach to queuing. 

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