Monday, February 14, 2011

Seems like bug-fix version is on it's way

GPX track doesn't stay on screen after rotation. Small but irritating.

Friday, February 11, 2011

Caching, GPS and other travel tools

New version is almost ready to go to market. As usually, there is always more to improve and fix. I'll have to cut it at this stage and put more goodness to next release.
Looks like search and advanced caching control are most requested features to be added to the app. For me, I would vote for search, as caching is something that is already working. It could be done prettier and simpler and more responsive and more intuitive and ... and I don't find myself using it too much. As soon as most of the places I'm interested in are stored on the phone, there is no often need to re-cache. In new version, there is "map auto-update" option in settings that lets map to be refreshed if tiles are too old (configurable interval).
Search, from other hand, is an interesting, exciting and challenging task to implement. To be optimized for offline use, it needs to deal with data stored on device or query online services while on wifi and make sure results are available without network coverage. Would love to have it in my pocket :)

Friday, January 28, 2011

Dev progress

"Custom map sources" is a done feature.
Working on fixing various GPX import issues.

Also, finally implemented deep extrapolation for missing map tiles from upper zooms :)

Thursday, November 25, 2010

Oops. Found battery drain reason!

It was kinda silly. Battery was draining due to not unregistering compass sensor. Implementation was not finished, but parts of code slipped to release. Next release with fixes and goodies is on it's way. Stay tuned.
And please please please, don't just post in market comments with bugs. Send me an email so I can fix it :)

Thursday, November 11, 2010

Fasten your seat-belts. Development is speeding up!

It might be that end of outdoor season or increased caffeine stimulation that makes development of Maps (-) progressing faster than average user would probably want to care :) I think that iteration cycles for new version would be around 2 weeks from now, even though there are enough changes for new release every week.
The most asked feature by now was "Driving directions" and "Address search". Well, I would start from "search" as it seems like an entry to routing. Considering that address search should work offline (or what is the purpose of offline app anyway?) this would require quite a caching of OSM data to device. Hopefully, I'll figure scalability of cache by the time the data format is finalized and cache will not flood entire SD card :)

Wednesday, October 13, 2010

Ad-free version is ready for consumption

Google has finally let Canadian developers make money on Android Market. Soooo..., here we go! Paid and absolutely ads-free version of the Maps (-) went to market. It's renamed to Maps (+) and published by Coderminus. Yeah, I had to open another dev account and let google dev team figure out how to make merchant address read/write in their database. So, now I'm coderminus (all lowercase) and Coderminus (capitalized). Just to add even more confusion to the fact that Maps (-) together with Maps (+) are so hard to discover using search engine. :)
Download page of has a 2D barcode of paid app. I'll update Maps (-) with menu item to direct market link as well. Maps (+) is surprisingly faster and smaller than (-) version. Dropping AdLibrary makes it so much more agile.

Wednesday, August 18, 2010

Testing GPS layer on the go.

I've been driving 600 km lately to reach my vacation destination. Well, I should thank myself for the effort to implement GPS track overlay for the next version and having it on my dev phone. Even though it still requires some optimization, the result is absolutely bright. I've saved route generated by online google maps to "My Maps" and than saved to GPX file using to SD card. Not very strait-forward. That's why I like idea of having direct import from "My Maps".